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Your sustainability is our concern.

Certified sustainability with GreenSign
GreenSign Team

Why we do this?

We want to encourage companies to commit to ecological, socially responsible and sustainable management by making meaningful changes and to live this with joy and conviction. Through sustainable and responsible management, businesses become more resilient and better able to compete in a rapidly changing marketplace.

By acting in an environmentally friendly way, you not only contribute to a more eco-friendly future, but you also address the needs of your customers. Furthermore, you position your company on the labor market with sustainable employee management and convince qualified personnel. This aspect is becoming increasingly important, as more and more employees want an employer who values sustainability.

Since 2014, we have seen it as our task to accompany and certify companies on their path to sustainability. With our conformity assessment program according to conformity levels, which is based on international frameworks, we not only check the actual state of sustainability, but also point the way to continuous improvement and further development of our own sustainability performance.

How we do it?

We look closely. So closely that we have already certified more than 750 companies in 19 countries with GreenSign. This has enabled us to establish ourselves as the leading sustainability certification for the hotel industry in Germany.

Since 2021, we also certificate Offices and SPAs with GreenSign. In addition to sustainability, we offer health certification with GreenSign Health.

You are overwhelmed with the multitude of certificates?

We’re happy to help.

Our certification is not the only one on the market, we are aware of that. You wonder what we do differently than the others? Why our founder and CEO Suzann Heinemann created GreenSign, how GreenSign stands out from the crowd and why there is a need for certifications in the first place, you can find out best from herself.

Sustainability works everywhere.

We certify sustainability in these areas.
Forestis Südtirol

GreenSign Hotel

GreenSign Office

GreenSign Office

Füße auf Steg am Wasser

GreenSign SPA

GreenSign Health

GreenSign Health

GreenSign Gastro

How you start with it?

Preferably immediately.

Credible certification helps to strengthen a positive image and thus offers a valuable competitive advantage. A conscious sustainable positioning supports hotels and companies in acquiring new guest and customer groups and retaining long-standing regular guests and customers. In addition, an environmental management system helps to effectively conserve resources, save costs and optimize internal processes. Certification brings your company numerous advantages, which we would like to present to you in detail here.

  • Calculation and creation of the carbon footprint

  • Raising awareness of cost and energy efficiency

  • Transparency towards all stakeholders

  • Optimized customer approach and development of new target groups

  • Satisfied and motivated employees

  • Member of a large network and partnerships

  • Networking Events

  • More visibility on the web and in the media

  • Further development of the sustainability strategy

We don’t like it complicated.

That’s why we make it simple.
3 steps to certification.

Others about us.

Hotel Lisetta

Hotel Lisetta

“Through the great online certification tool, which is recognized by GSTC, we were able to make our work towards sustainability tangible and define goals for the next years through the environmental program.”

Managing Director Lisa De Dea and Tobias Krechel

David Etmenan, Chief Executive Officer & Owner NOVUM Hospitality

NOVUM Hotels

„Our collaboration with GreenSign illustrates the accompanying commitment to operate all of our hotel and apartment properties in a sustainable manner and to have them resiliently certified. This decision marks a significant step for the company. My personal aspiration is that our sustainable business practices will continue to grow firmly into the DNA of NOVUM Hospitality and become an integral part of our daily work.“

David Etmenan, Chief Executive Officer & Owner NOVUM Hospitality

Myriam Hecker

Gut Hühnerhof

Sustainability – an important topic that concerns us all. That is why we have been living sustainability on a daily basis for years. Because as a family business, not only the well-being of our guests and employees, but also that of the next generations is very important to us. With GreenSign, we now have a professional partner at our side who supports us, constantly reviews processes and encourages us to think and develop further. However, we see this further development not only as an incentive, but as a promise! For us – for you – for the future.”

General Manager Myriam Hecker

Paul Dreykluft Classik Hotel Collection

Classik Hotel Collection – Hotel Alexander Plaza Berlin

I want to make sure that we act responsibly in our hotels and help to ensure that the world remains a beautiful place for our children. This is also how we have defined our values: Individual. Innovative. Sustainable.”

Paul Dreykluft, Director of Hotel Operations

Toskana Therme


“We are proud that all Toskanaworld houses are now certified with the GreenSign. Sustainable management is particularly important to us and the transparency of GreenSign has convinced us.”

Christian Lohmann, General Manager

Stephan Bode


“The certification with GreenSign Hotel is very balanced and demanding. The questionnaire is very close, with the exception of economic indicators, to a holistic view of sustainability. For the SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA, GreenSign is a meaningful partner and impulse generator, which I would not want to miss anymore.“

Stephan Bode, Managing Director & Mentor

Waldhotel Stuttgart Joerg Grede

Waldhotel Stuttgart

“In our enchanting place, the Waldhotel Stuttgart, design, tradition, tranquility, quality and sustainability combine to form a harmonious whole. With the GreenSign certification, we communicate our commitment in lived transparency and would like to shape the Stuttgart metropolitan region as a role model and help shape the world of tomorrow.”

Jörg Grede, Managing Director

Andreas Grunsky


„The GreenSign Office certification is further proof of our authenticity. In addition to the implementation of digital and live events, BEEFTEA also stands for sustainability and we accompany our customers on the way to climate-neutral events. If we want to provide credible advice to our clients, we have to set a good example ourselves. That is why we have once again put our previous efforts in terms of sustainability to the test.”

Andreas Grunszky, Managing Director

CEO Oliver-Winter

a&o Hostels

“The price and performance ratio ultimately convinced us, coupled with good and fast cooperation.”

Oliver Winter, CEO


Moar Gut

„Sustainability has been a major issue for us in all areas of the hotel for decades. Through our GreenSign certification you can now immediately see that the stay with us at the Moar Gut is ecologically compatible, socially responsible, close to nature and just “green”. We are very proud of the GreenSign certificate! For years we have been showing that luxury vacations for families and sustainable travel are possible. Now this has been officially confirmed to us by a neutral audit. Of course, this motivates us to focus our sustainability thoughts even more in the future.“

Nora Lipp, Head of Marketing


The SEETELHOTELS are aware of their responsibility. Therefore, as a family-run hotel group, we have decided to integrate the GreenSign environmental plan and management program into all of our properties. As a family business, we see sustainability as a holistic approach that extends to all areas of SEETELHOTELS. We want to integrate this into our daily, conscious actions, the decisions we make and the solutions, for our guests, employees and partners. We are particularly proud that all our hotels have now been certified with the GreenSign.”

Rolf Seelige-Steinhoff – Managing Partner


We chose GreenSign because we were looking for a reliable partner who can verify and certify our high sustainability standards. The strong presence and the personal conversation with the team convinced us very much.”

Lukas Burkia – Sales and Marketing Manager

Europäischer Hof Heidelberg

For me and our team, GreenSign certification is both an award and an incentive. It is a matter close to our hearts to make our contribution to mastering the great ecological challenges and to operate sustainably. We do this with great conviction and are pleased to have GreenSign as a professional partner at our side, with whom we can continue to develop in this essential area. At the Europäischer Hof Heidelberg, we try to combine tradition and modernity in an emphatic, value-oriented and holistic corporate and management philosophy. The topic of sustainability has a high priority in this. We are happy to pass on our experience in acting in an eco-friendly manner in the GreenCommunity.“

Dr. Caroline von Kretschmann, Managing Partner