GreenSign Hotel
GreenSign Hotel
3 steps to GreenSign Hotel certification
Place a certification order
After you have sent the completed order form to, you will receive all the information and access to the certification tool.
Log in to the GreenSign tool & self-evaluation
After registering in the certification tool, the hotel carries out a self-evaluation. All questions are answered in the online tool within around 4 weeks.
Audit and award with GreenSign Hotel
The certification process ends with an audit at the hotel. The sustainability performance is then assessed with a degree of conformity of 50% to 100%.
The advantages of a GreenSign certification

Environmental management system



Company Branding

GreenSign Community Advantages

GreenSign Events
International & recognized
EU-wide registration with the EUIPO
130 criteria. 10 areas. 3 pillars

The certification process is divided into the following 3 steps:
- Submit certification application
- Register in the GreenSign tool & self-evaluation
- Audit & award with GreenSign
GreenSign certification is valid for three years. During this time, the company has the opportunity to make its operations even more sustainable in order to achieve a higher level of conformity at the time of recertification.
Since June 2022, the certification catalog for the GreenSign Hotel certification has been recognized by the world-renowned Global Sustainable Tourism Council.